Goodwill Show Diary

by - Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It's been said more times this year than we can count: we really have the most amazing board and group of members to date. To think that the Goodwill Personal Styling Fashion Show sold double the amount of tickets as last year, even though it was cancelled and rescheduled last minute, is amazing. Nobody, the board included, has a chance to really see the looks before show night. We were running on bling faith that the volunteers, hair + makeup team, and stylists wouldn't let us down. And you guys certainly did not disappoint. 

Our theme this year, Designer Driven, was meant to give our members a direction without boxing them into a specific look. From a board that has 4 graduating senior, we couldn't be more thankful and proud of how our last ever FSO show finished. You guys seriously rock.
See ALL of the photos from the show on our Facebook page!
Thanks to the every amazing photographers: Madison Gander, Sarah Rosenson and Wing Lip.

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